Thank you Mumsnet!

I was delighted yesterday to see that my interview earlier in the week on BBC Radio Gloucestershire had made it on to the front page of the Mumsnet Blogger’s weekly round-up newsletter. This is a huge honour for me. I am one of the first of the “Mumsnet generation” – I joined way back in 2007, when pregnant with my second daughter. It was back in the day when Mumsnet was still relatively “cosy”, ie the same characters would pop up  regularly, and well-known slebs spent time there incognito (Caitlin Moran, Janice Turner, rumours of Victoria Beckham). I found the site remarkably refreshing after the cloying sentiment of most parenting advice – for the first time, I didn’t feel alone as I lurched through early parenthood, careening from one mistake to another. And then later when I moved abroad I discovered the Living Overseas section and made a whole new raft of friends (many of whom I remain in touch with to this day and are contributors in the Survival Guide).

So thank-you Mumset for promoting me, and if anyone has found me through the newsletter, hello and thank you to you as well! This is what Mumsnet wrote:

Clara Wiggins on BBC GloucestershireClara Wiggins is something of an expert expat, having been posted all over the world since childhood. This week, she popped into her local BBC studio to chat about her new book, the Expat Partner Survival Guide, which covers exactly what it’s like to move to pastures new. It’s aimed particularly at anyone who’s accompanying their partner overseas – and then watching them walk out of the door to work, leaving them to cope alone – and it’s packed full of practical advice.

Me on the BBC Radio and more news….

I was interviewed yesterday morning on our local BBC radio station, and talked about why I wrote the book, my background as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and gave some advice for anyone planning a move overseas. What a lovely experience – the presenter was a joy to work with, very friendly and it felt like we were just having a chat down the pub. I went into the studios for the interview, which is something I have never done before so it was quite the experience for me! Please listen below if you get a chance and let me know what you think.

In the meantime, I was also featured in our local newspaper, the Echo, on Friday – you can read about that here:

And finally – I am very honoured to have been named as a “Top 10 Expat Blogger” on the Medibroker’s website –, which is very kind of them!

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.